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Where your food comes from

What’s on your dinner plate doesn’t get there by magic. It gets there by farming and nature working together. At Holdenby, we’re proud of how we get both working hand in hand; and with our Outdoor Education programme, we are going to show you how.

Children will have hands on experience of nature and farming working together, from planting seeds to finding out how many loaves of bread can be made from the wheat we grow on the farm along with how many jars of honey the bees produce.

It’s a fun and fascinating day, that covers all key stages of the National Curriculum and is adaptable to suit all ages.

Land usage: see the land for yourself and the food it grow

Environment: how we farm to protect all insects, wildlife, plants and trees.

Sustainability: how we farm to maintain good soil structure

Crop rotation: from our farm to your school allotment

Habitats: how our hedges and headlands provide natural habitats

Conservation & Sustainability: for all plants and wildlife on our farm

Life cycles: from examining and planting seeds to hedgerows, ponds and wildlife

Water Transpiration: through crops and other plants.

Landscape: how farming has changed & shaped this.

Diversification: how we’ve changed the way we use our farmyard


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